Here at Southern Maine Pediatric Dentistry, we are dedicated to the health of your children’s mouths.

As your littles get older it’s important for us to provide you with tips on flossing and brushing, as well as ideas on snacking and choosing a healthy diet. Often teenagers will have additional concerns with how their teeth “look.” If your teenager has concerns about their bite, crooked teeth or the appearance of their smile please talk to us about it. There are a number of techniques we can help you with. Also, during your child’s teen years their wisdom teeth (third molars) will be developing. Although some third molars come into the mouth normally, others need to be removed because of poor position and lack of space. Our team will make sure the proper treatment is prescribed at the right time.

If you have questions or concerns about when your children should see a pediatric dentist, don’t hesitate to contact us today at (207) 773-3111.